Welcome to the Zach Goodyear Photography Blog!

I regret to say that after 8 great years, I have made the difficult decision to close the doors of Zach Goodyear Photography. It's something I'm still passionate about, but with a growing family and my main career and love of real estate, I am running out of free hours in the day.

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, please don't hesitate to contact one of my fellow photographers who are great: Rich Kalonick or Ryan Dunnewold.

If you are looking for a portrait photographer, please feel free to contact Sandy Burr.

Thanks for your understanding and patience!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Engagement Shoot in Sewanee

I did another engagement shoot in Sewanee, TN on Friday. Derick and Nicole were fantastic! They had never been to Sewanee before, so I took them to a few of my favorite spots and throughout the day we hiked along horse pastures, took a partial dip at the base of a waterfall, tried not to fall off a cliff, and then relaxed in a hammock (well, they did that, not me). Great work, guys!

Here are a few of your shots! You can see the full slideshow by clicking here. It will open in a new window, but make sure to maximize it so you see the whole slideshow. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The police and me in Bicentennial Mall

While shooting people is my passion (shooting with a camera, obviously), I still love the occasional landscape which is where these come in. I was doing some work for a client yesterday at Bicentennial Mall in Nashvilleand after finishing up, I headed to the end of the mall to see what the view was like. I was only able to get a couple of shots off before the park police sent me on my way (not because I was taking pictures, but because I had literally stopped the car in the street and left it there with my hazards on).

This is what came of it. The distorted photo was taken with my fisheye lens, one of my new favorite lenses! I actually parked and came back for this shot when it was a little darker and the moon had risen. It was a beautiful night!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Client Shoot for Law Firm

I did a client shoot last weekend for a couple of attorneys at Shuttleworth Williams, PLLC, a law firm in Murfreesboro. They wanted something different than your basic static, studio headshots, so I took them downtown and caught some shots with a little more edge!

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