I was set to meet the Young family yesterday at 10am. I pulled into the driveway, knocked on the door, and no one came. I was sure we had scheduled it for 10am, so I waited, and waited, and 15 minutes later, I finally tried to call Neel. I knew their house looked a little different than I remembered, but it wasn't until I was leaving them a message that I realized I was at the completely wrong house. I'm an idiot! It must be the rush of the holidays. So, I drove about 10 houses away and pulled in their driveway, thankful that a stranger didn't come to the other door wondering what in the heck I was doing at their house with a bunch of camera equipment at 10am on a Saturday morning.
By the time I arrived and the correct house, Carrie had just about had enough waiting around and decided she wasn't up for smiling too much. We caught a few cute shots, but figured it would be best to reschedule. So, I went back this morning, a little earlier this time, and got some really cute shots for Carrie's 3 month session (as well as some cute ones of their wonderful dogs!). Check them out below! You can see the rest here.