Welcome to the Zach Goodyear Photography Blog!

I regret to say that after 8 great years, I have made the difficult decision to close the doors of Zach Goodyear Photography. It's something I'm still passionate about, but with a growing family and my main career and love of real estate, I am running out of free hours in the day.

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, please don't hesitate to contact one of my fellow photographers who are great: Rich Kalonick or Ryan Dunnewold.

If you are looking for a portrait photographer, please feel free to contact Sandy Burr.

Thanks for your understanding and patience!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome to Nashville, Mary Kidd!

I spent some time with my friends Joshua and Liz recently and had a chance to take a few quick shots of their new baby Mary Kidd! She's adorable and makes some of the best facial expressions I've seen in a while. She's definitely full of personality! Take a look!

More photos are available to see here.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A video to share

Those that know me know that I am a sucker for dogs. I love them. I pretty much like all animals. So when my friend sent this link to me, I had to share it. This is so cool. And, it's in Tennessee (I will admit, I never knew we had an elephant sanctuary here). Take a look!

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