Welcome to the Zach Goodyear Photography Blog!

I regret to say that after 8 great years, I have made the difficult decision to close the doors of Zach Goodyear Photography. It's something I'm still passionate about, but with a growing family and my main career and love of real estate, I am running out of free hours in the day.

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, please don't hesitate to contact one of my fellow photographers who are great: Rich Kalonick or Ryan Dunnewold.

If you are looking for a portrait photographer, please feel free to contact Sandy Burr.

Thanks for your understanding and patience!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Studio shots of the animals

I love outdoor pet photos, but I thought I'd post a few studio shots as well. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Morning Abbo

I thought I'd share some photos from this Sunday morning I took of Abbo. He woke me up just before 6am barking at absolutely nothing outside. Maybe there was a squirrel or cat there before I made it out of bed, but by the time I arrived, he was barking at thin air...still. Regardless, he looked great in the window light, and since I was already awake and likely not going back to sleep, I grabbed the camera and fired off a couple of frames.

Have a great Sunday and a fantastic last week of summer.

Monday, August 11, 2008


In honor of the 2008 East Nashville Tomato Art Festival (which sadly I could not attend this year) and just summer in general, I'm proud to announce that my wife has successfully grown her first, long-awaited tomato in her new vegetable garden! I thought I would share a photo for all to see.

Sorry for not posting much lately on the blog. Things have been busy, but I'll have lots to post soon. I'm heading to Vegas on Wednesday...

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