Welcome to the Zach Goodyear Photography Blog!

I regret to say that after 8 great years, I have made the difficult decision to close the doors of Zach Goodyear Photography. It's something I'm still passionate about, but with a growing family and my main career and love of real estate, I am running out of free hours in the day.

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, please don't hesitate to contact one of my fellow photographers who are great: Rich Kalonick or Ryan Dunnewold.

If you are looking for a portrait photographer, please feel free to contact Sandy Burr.

Thanks for your understanding and patience!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ellie and Lowell's Wedding at the Hermitage Hotel

Ellie and Lowell had a gorgous wedding a few weeks ago with the ceremony taking place at Christ Church Cathedral and the reception at The Hermitage Hotel.

Ellie and her bridesmaids dressed at the Hermitage, so we were able to get some bridal portaits at the hotel which is SO amazingly beautiful! Even the elevator was nice, so one of the portraits below was taken in there! Of course, we couldn't be at The Hermitage Hotel taking photos without paying a visit to the mens restroom downstairs which was just ranked as America's Best Bathroom.

Lowell graduated from West Point, so a lot of his Army friends were there and even the groom's cake paid a tribute to his alma mater with "Beat Navy" written on top.

The band was great, the food was delicious, and the ambiance was absolutely perfect.

A slideshow is below which is a great way to see the a fun cross section of wedding photos. If you'd like to look through the entire set or order prints, click here. Enjoy!


Corey B October 4, 2010 at 10:35 PM  

LOVE that second pic, what a killer bridal portrait!

The whole wedding though is perfection - the bridal in the window (wide angle) and all of the dancing shots. You did a great job!!!

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