Welcome to the Zach Goodyear Photography Blog!

I regret to say that after 8 great years, I have made the difficult decision to close the doors of Zach Goodyear Photography. It's something I'm still passionate about, but with a growing family and my main career and love of real estate, I am running out of free hours in the day.

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, please don't hesitate to contact one of my fellow photographers who are great: Rich Kalonick or Ryan Dunnewold.

If you are looking for a portrait photographer, please feel free to contact Sandy Burr.

Thanks for your understanding and patience!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Matilda is 4 Months

I finally made it over to Matilda's house yesterday morning to get some belated 3 month photos of her (she is closer to 4 months now, and she seems to know it - see the photo below of her showing me how old she is!). Her parents have a huge yard the backs up to a creek. Yesterday morning the yard was dry. Today they had water just inches from their garage from the worst flood Nashville has ever seen. Hopefully they stay high and dry and can get a little break to enjoy these cute photos of their family. A few favorites are below and the rest can be seen here.


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